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World of Whitetail

About the Series

The World of Whitetail is a hard-core whitetail hunting series with a behind-the-scenes reality look into the life of series host, Ron Spomer. Ron’s background enables him to reveal many of the secrets of successful whitetail deer hunting and species biology behind America’s favorite big game species. We’ll vicariously follow Ron as he preps for hunts and get the inside scoop on his rituals, strategies and tactics that allow him continuous success harvesting older, mature bucks.

Through personal ‘walk and talk’ interviews we’ll learn about some of Ron’s favorite aspects of his life with whitetails, some of his favorite things and those that frustrate him about the world of whitetail hunting.

Rom Spomer - Host

Ron Spomer is from a small town, farming family background in rural South Dakota. He began hunting small game and exploring the natural world as child, poking, prying, splashing and groping through the mud and weeds. Self-taught do-it-yourself hunter, naturalist, birder, wildlife photographer.

Ron has spent last 40 years as licensed hunter, pursuing everything from bunnies and waterfowl to Harlequin quail and grizzly bears in North America. He has also hunted South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand.
